Package unit installations

Package unit installations can be a very quick and easy job or it can be very complicated, based on the existing air duct and plenum box designs, how much room is in the attic, air duct sizes, vent sizes and supply and return sizes. This package unit installation was located in Pasadena.
We installed a new Goodman 5 ton package unit with a new adjustable platform located on the roof. There are many factors to take in before deciding what size system the house will need to
be the most efficient. We do calculate the CFM in every house that we are working at and check the static pressure as well. Our goal is always to aim for the most professional work that can be done for each property. Package units require crane services in order to remove the old package unit and lift the new package unit into place. In most cases The Right Choice Heating and Air will highly recommend replacing the air ducts to accommodate better airflow for the HVAC unit.

We always recommend professional HVAC designers to plan installations. It is imperative that you ensure the technician who is providing estimates will be fully trained in HVAC design. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and our amazing team of professionals to get the job done! We work to get the most efficiency out of your HVAC system and make sure that you have the most cost effective solutions for your home. The Right Choice Heating and Air is fully licensed and insured and our managers are working in the field every day working on providing solutions to all kinds of HVAC issues, designs, technical problems.

Saving Time

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Professional Work


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Package unit installations

Package unit installations can be a very quick and easy job or it can be very complicated, based on the existing air duct and plenum box designs, how much room is in the attic, air duct sizes, vent sizes and supply and return sizes

Furnace Changeout

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Complete System Installation

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Coil and Condenser changeout

The most common jobs for coil and condenser replacements are usually just to change out the existing equipment, however, we always recommend replacing the entire system to get the maximum efficiency from the hvac unit.


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